May 25, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Navigating through life with hearing loss can be difficult at times, particularly when you need to rely on your hearing for safety. Driving is one situation that can cause difficulties for many people suffering from impaired hearing. Luckily, just because you have problems with hearing does not mean that safe driving isn’t possible. Keep these […]
May 19, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Missing appendages, post-traumatic stress, and brain trauma: These are what many people think of when they think about post-combat injuries. However, many fail to consider another consequence of combat: hearing loss. These 5 facts about veterans and hearing loss may surprise you. The number one injury soldiers suffer from combat is loss of hearing. – […]
May 13, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Hearing loss can happen at any age. In fact, nearly 12 percent of kids age 6 through 19 have noise induced hearing loss according to the American Academy of Audiology. Hearing loss is also the number one most common type of birth defect in the U.S. Nearly 12,000 children are born each year with some […]
April 29, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
If you are using or thinking about purchasing a hearing aid with a telecoil feature, you may be wondering about what it does. This tiny coil of wire may seem simple, but the advantages it can provide to people who use it are manifold. Read on to learn more about what a telecoil can do […]
April 21, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
The many tiny nerve endings in your inner ear are central to your hearing. When these nerve endings (or other structures in the inner ear) are harmed, the result is often sensorineural hearing impairment. Typically, sensorineural deafness does not result in a complete inability to hear. Rather, it reduces the person’s ability to hear particular […]
April 17, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
March 23, 2014: McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care Expand Grand Rapids MI Tinnitus Therapy Excerpt: “Being able to provide the most up-to-date tinnitus therapies locally in Grand Rapids is a source of pride for the audiologists at McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care.” Read full press release at: Download PDF: Click Here […]
April 14, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
The majority of public venues and businesses have made their buildings wheelchair accessible, an extremely visible disability, but may not be aware of the less visible challenges confronted by people who have difficulty hearing. In conjunction with telecoil hearing aids or cochlear implants, hearing loops clarify sounds for hearing challenged individuals, are a more affordable […]
April 7, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Is hearing loss genetic? Without a doubt, the answer is “Yes.” If you look at the data, genetic causes are actually the largest category of hearing losses. On top of that, hearing loss is regarded as the most common birth defect in the developed world. Essential genetics. Genes are basically pieces of code that make […]
March 28, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Listening to someone speaking in a congested location with a lot of background noise can be challenging for even a seasoned hearing aid wearer. Concert halls, auditoriums, places of worship and theaters are especially tricky for the hearing impaired. Hearing loop systems offer a straightforward solution to this issue, making it easy for individuals with […]
March 22, 2014 | McDonald Audiology & Hearing Health Care
Three of the more recognizable indication of Meniere’s disease are tinnitus, vertigo, and fluctuating hearing loss. Meniere’s disease is an inner ear condition that can cause disruptions in your hearing and balance.Despite the fact that medical experts cannot yet cure this condition, there are nonetheless things you can do to lessen the outward symptoms and […]